March 1
- “Behind the Curtain: Vamped’s Administrators Interviewed”
Erin and I scored separate interviews discussing our interest in vampires. My interview was conducted by Matthew E Banks for The Spectral Times, the Great British Ghosts website’s official magazine. Erin’s interview featured on The Collective Awaits, Magenta Ash’s paranormal podcast.
March 15
- “Monthly Digest: February 2015”
Tune in for some night music and Vamped’s most ambitious article to date: an investigation into the Highgate Vampire.
March 17
- “New ‘Carmilla’ Adaptation: Main Character Now ‘Adorable’ Englishwoman”
David MacDowell Blue, editor of The Annotated Carmilla (2011; 2015), shares his thoughts on a staged reading held at the York Theatre Company. - “Generation Defanged: Why Vampires Don’t Scare Me”
Does what you watch as a kid affect the way you view monsters growing up? Erin Chapman takes a stroll down memory lane.
March 20
- “Going Pro: Vamped Heads in New Direction with Upcoming Events”
Erin lays out her cards and hints at new directions for the website.
March 29
- “Elizabeth Báthory’s Blood Baths: Separating Myth from Reality”
Romina Nicolaides, author of Bathory’s Secret (2014), tackles the biggest myths linked to the infamous “Bloody Countess.”
March 30
- “Defending Abby: Nothing Wrong with ‘Let the Right One In’ Remakes”
Vampire film reviewer, Andy Boylan, discusses the upcoming Let the Right One In TV adaptation.
Most Popular Post of the Month
- “5 Reasons Why a Wampyr Didn’t Walk in Highgate Cemetery” (Feb. 27, 2015)
Erin Chapman’s investigation into the Highgate Vampire toppled successive appearances of her interview with me—and I couldn’t be happier. The article was a ballbreaker to work on, but it paid off–and will continue to pay off—in spades for its thoroughness and providing a conclusive answer to a question first asked on the Hampstead & Highgate Express‘ front page, forty-five years ago: “Does a Wampyr Walk in Highgate?” (Feb. 27, 1970).
The follow-up to “5 Reasons” is still in the pipeline, so keep your eyes peeled for that. There’ll also be some major website overhauls coming. I know I keep saying that, but you’ll see what I mean soon enough. In the meantime, thanks to everyone who keeps reading and stay tuned!