April 4
- “Cemetery Logistics: How I Tracked the Highgate Vampire”
Take a look behind the curtain and find out how much research, time and work went into writing last month’s most popular post “5 Reasons Why a Wampyr Didn’t Walk in Highgate Cemetery” (Feb. 27, 2015).
April 18
- “Monthly Digest: March 2015”
Check out what you missed in March. Anthony and I each had an interview, Elizabeth Bathory’s blood baths were explored, and Vamped kicked things up a notch.
April 23
- “How I Spent Spring Break: Vampire Historian Meets Vampire Scholars”
Join Dax Stokes, or better known as The Vampire Historian as he visits two well known vampire scholars. Who knew Texas was vampire author central?
Most Popular Post of the Month
- “Interview with the Vampirologist” (Aug. 17, 2014)
Anthony’s interview is officially the reigning champion of Vamped holding the title of “most popular post”. This is the forth month my interview with him has proved to surpass all other content. As of writing this, his interview has been viewed 6,376 times. This makes me super happy considering it was my first interview I ever did. Plus, the bonus was Anthony was the topic of research for once. If you haven’t checked it out yet, what are you waiting for?
We have been a little busy lately, but don’t worry we have some fangtastic articles coming up this month. The highly anticipated sequel to “5 Reasons Why a Wampyr Didn’t Walk in Highgate Cemetery” (Feb. 27, 2015) will make an appearance. Also there will be another Virgins’ View and some other goodies, so stay tuned!