Oct. 5
- “Ten Years of Twilight: Visit to Forks, Washington.” In commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the publication of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight, Erin Chapman talked about her trip to Forks, Wash., where the novel is set, to see how the town dealt with the story’s fame.
Oct. 17
- “Legacy of the Marsten House: ‘Salem’s Lot as Liberative and Resistance Literature.” Jess Peacock, author of Such a Dark Thing: Theology of the Vampire Narrative in Popular Culture (2015), stopped by to share his interpretation of Stephen King’s classic novel, on the 40th anniversary of its publication.
Oct. 28
- “Interview with Juliet Landau, Director of ‘A Place Among the Undead’.” Erin Chapman caught up with Juliet Landau, best-known for playing Drusilla in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series, on the promotional trail for her upcoming documentary, A Place Among the Undead.
Oct. 29
- “Monthly Digest: September 2015.” An article on the Manhattan “Blade Rave” and the previous month’s digest for you to read.
Oct. 30
- “Halloween Treats: Things to Watch, Drink or Nibble.” Erin Chapman shares a Playboy public announcement, talks about dancing vampires, shares a movie you can watch and tops it all off with some blood ice cream.
Most Popular Post of the Month
- “6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy an ‘Antique’ Vampire Killing Kit” (Oct. 31, 2014). Anthony Hogg’s Halloween 2014 post is proving to be the most popular article in Vamped‘s history!