Jan. 11
- “No, Witchula Will Not Be the First Witch/Vampire Hybrid Film.” Andy Boylan cites several witch/vampire hybrid film examples released long before Witchula‘s publicity claims.
Jan. 13
- “Looking Back: A Brief Retrospective of the Year That Was for Vamped.” Erin Chapman takes a stroll down memory lane, covering major events in 2015.
Jan. 15
- “A Virgin’s View on The Hunger (1983).” In tribute to David Bowie’s passing on Jan. 10, Erin Chapman gives her “virgin’s view” of this 1980s classic.
Jan. 22
- “Vampire Killing Stakes of Dubious Authenticity—Yours For Only $99.99!” How much value can two sharpened pieces of wood? Erin Chapman finds out.
Jan. 23
- “Monthly Digest: December 2015.” Is Lady Gaga a real-life blooddrinker? Online blackmail, a vampire documentary gets the go-ahead, two novel reviews, overview of a vampire studies symposium and some Christmas treats.
Jan. 24
- “Augere—Not Your Typical Type of Vampire: Sandrine Genier’s Debut Novel.” Andy Boylan reviews Sandrine Genier’s debut novel, The Vampire (2015).
Jan. 31
- “Read All Over: Vamped’s 10 Most Popular Articles of 2015.” Erin Chapman shares our most popular articles, by viewcount, in 2015. If you’ve been following these digests, number 1 probably won’t surprise you too much. But the rest might.
Most Popular Post of the Month
- “6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy an ‘Antique’ Vampire Killing Kit” (Oct. 31, 2014). ‘Nuff said.