If you’ve wondered why our hasn’t been accessible since April 30, it’s because I flipped on an “offline” setting to hide work on our new layout. Surprise!
We’ve been formulating the site’s redesign for several months. The site’s last major overhaul took place on June 9, 2015.
Before I write a sequel to this post explaining our site’s new features, I wanted to showcase what Vamped looked like right before the changes took place. Here’s what what our homepage looked like until yesterday:

If you clicked on the pagination at the bottom of the page, the latest posts grid would vanish off the next page and beyond:

As to the articles themselves, here’s a typical post layout:

If you clicked on an article author’s name, you’d get a display like this:

But if you wanted to choose a category from the navigation bar, it looked like this:

If you clicked on one of the categories, in this case, “Entertainment,” the display would look like this:

One of the previous layout’s best features was its sitemap, located at the bottom of the first column of the site’s footer:

Clicking on one of the months listed in “Archives” showed the following:

But whenever major changes take place, there’s still bound to be transitional hiccups. We encountered ours after noticing a log-in window pop up whenever we accessed an article, after the theme was installed:

You don’t actually need to log in to view the articles; clicking “Cancel” took you to it with no problem. Logging in would be pointless anyway; only admins have a password. Bloody thing.
We’re working on it, so the site has been switched back to offline mode until the matter’s fixed. In the meantime, stay tuned for my post explaining the overhaul changes.
- June 9, 2015: Anthony Hogg, “Another Major Overhaul: 6 Significant Changes for Vamped,” Vamped, June 9, 2015, accessed April 29, 2016, http://vamped.org/2015/06/09/another-major-overhaul/. archive.is link: https://archive.is/h3ia9.
- what our homepage looked like until yesterday: archive.is link: https://archive.is/WLya0 [accessed April 29, 2016].
- clicked on the pagination: archive.is link: https://archive.is/fQdbF [accessed April 29, 2016].
- a typical post layout: archive.is link: https://archive.is/FI5g2 [accessed April 29, 2016]. Example used is Erin Chapman, “How Did the Blade Rave Go? A Follow-Up,” Vamped, March 9, 2016, http://vamped.org/2016/03/09/blade-rave-follow-up/.
- clicked on an article author’s name: archive.is link: https://archive.is/pXo8x [accessed April 30, 2016].
- clicked on one of the categories: archive.is link: https://archive.is/QPnyA [accessed April 29, 2016].
- the previous layout’s best features was its sitemap: archive.is link: https://archive.is/PL1sb [accessed April 29, 2016].
- Clicking on one of the months: archive.is link: https://archive.is/cWnEb [accessed April 30, 2016].