Earlier this year, I spent months preparing my Sanguinarian Survey and finally released it on September 9, 2019. The survey was kept open for respondents until October 28, 2019. This allowed me to collect data for 50 days.
For those of you that don’t know, sanguinarians are people that drink human or animal blood for health reasons. The purpose of my survey was:
to identify similarities and patterns concerning diet, health conditions, and lifestyle habits of sanguinarians—or “vampires”—within the Vampire Community, specifically those who consume human and/or animal blood and experience notable health benefits.
By analysing the data collected, I hope to determine statistical patterns that will provide a greater understanding of why consuming human and/or animal blood improves health conditions for certain people, providing a possible avenue for further examination by medical professionals and researchers.
Sanguinarian Survey 2019
Sanguinarians and members of the online vampire community are usually very private people and keep their blood drinking habits to themselves. I knew this would make getting respondents challenging, but I didn’t let it discourage me. Secretly, I was hoping to get 100 respondents for the survey and I ended up with 73. I was still super happy with this amount.
The entire report is a 110 pages and can be downloaded from my personal website. I kept the data raw as I am not a medical professional and therefore not qualified to interpret it.
I reached out to Dr. Tomas Ganz, who is Professor of Medicine and Pathology at UCLA, and a Principal Investigator at the UCLA Center for Iron Disorders and asked what he thought of the data collected. He provided a response that I included in the final published report.
I hope everyone takes the time to read the report in its entirety, but in case you don’t, below are some key findings from the executive summary:
- Age of respondents varied from being born in 1966 to 2001
- 41.10% identified as either bisexual or pansexual
- 73.97% are from the USA
- 67.12% suffered from musculoskeletal problems like headaches
- 61.64% suffered from musculoskeletal problems like joint pain
- 41.10% suffered from skin problems like extremely sensitive skin
- 54.79% suffered from cardiovascular problems like cold hands or feet
- 32.88% suffered from respiratory problems like shortness of breath
- 34.25% suffered from impaired vision
- 64.38% suffered from neurological problems like depression
- 63.01% suffered from neurological problems like fatigue
- 53.42% suffered from neurological problems like exhaustion
- 49.32% see a doctor for treatment of any medical conditions
- 46.58% eat a well-balanced diet with all major food groups
- 89.04% consume meat on a weekly basis
- 36.99% have adverse reactions to dairy
- 39.73 have other family members with food sensitivities or allergies
- 57.53% have digestive problems like stomach pain
- 53.42% have digestive problems like stomach cramps
- 52.05% have digestive problems like nausea
- 41.10% have immune problems like allergies
- 39.73% have trouble sleeping at night
- 45.21% have trouble falling asleep
- 68.86% say personal reasons cause them stress in their life
- 60.27% say financial reasons cause them stress in their life
- 64.38% have used marijuana recreationally before
- 67.12% have experienced a psychological trauma in the last 5 years
- 52.05% drink only human blood
- 42.47% drink both animal and human blood
- 93.15% consume blood through consensual arrangement with human donors
- 46.58% have an intimate relationship with their donor
- 61.64% have their significant other as their donor
- 78.08% make sure their donors are tested
- 43.84% have been anemic
- 76.71% have never told their doctor they drink blood
The report includes an acknowledgement section, but I would like to personally thank everyone in the online vampire community that participated in the survey. This survey wouldn’t have been possible without your feedback! Reading some of your kind comments at the end of the survey warmed my heart.
Now that I have a more defined scope of the conditions that affect sanguinarians, I am going to continue my research in 2020. I plan to administer more targeted surveys. I hope that as time goes on, more sanguinarians will choose to participate. The higher amount of respondents, means that better data will be collected.
More research will create a better awareness of this condition and more understanding from others. My ultimate goal would be to see funded studies on the topic.
I would like to thank everyone that helped distribute the survey and Anthony Hogg and Dea Schofield for assisting with the editing process. Lastly, thank you to Dr. Tomas Ganz for always responding to my many emails and questions over the last few years. Your educational experience has been such a valuable tool in this entire research process.
- I spent months preparing my Sanguinarian Survey: Erin Chapman, “Drink Blood? Sanguinarians Wanted for Survey,” Vamped, September 9, 2019, accessed December 14, 2019, https://vamped.org/2019/09/09/drink-blood-sanguinarians-wanted-for-survey/.
- Sanguinarians are people that drink human or animal blood for health reasons: Erin Chapman, “All the Gory Details: Dr. Tomas Ganz Discusses Blood Drinking,” Vamped, June 14, 2018, accessed December 14, 2019, https://vamped.org/2018/06/14/all-the-gory-details-dr-tomas-ganz-discusses-blood-drinking/.
- can be downloaded from my personal website: Erin Chapman, Sanguinarian Survey 2019 (self-pub., Erin Chapman: Journalist, 2019), https://erinchapman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Sanguinarian-Survey-Report-2019-by-Erin-Chapman.pdf.
If you would like to reach out and help in any way, or even just be updated when a new survey is released, contact Erin’s Facebook page. All contact information is kept private.