It’s that time of year again folks! Emotionally, this year has been a bit of a rollercoaster for me. As Christmas and the New Year approach, I am glad to see 2019 in my rearview mirror.
As many of my friends know, I was devastated when my grandmother passed away in May after a lengthy illness. Later in the year, a friend passed away in July. This happened after a difficult 2018 where my pet of 22 years passed away and the start of my grandma’s illness. I also changed careers after nine and a half years at the same job. It has been stressful.
Despite everything, I had more time to prepare this Christmas than last year, but when it came to my annual Christmas post, I was lacking inspiration. I scoured YouTube and the internet and only found a few tidbits to share.
As I browsed YouTube for vampire videos, I decided that I would create my own video. This way I could include what I like. Before we watch my Christmas gift to you, we will check out a couple of videos.
A Vampire Christmas!
[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/GPJrell4LzY” responsive=”yes” autoplay=”no”]
After all the sanguinarian research I did this year, this video totally made me laugh. What could be more amusing than vampires sitting on Nosferstu Santa’s lap, asking for a specific blood type for Christmas?
- “A Vampire Christmas!,” YouTube video, 6:37, posted by Ebola Entertainment, June 27, 2018, accessed Dec. 22, 2019, https://youtu.be/GPJrell4LzY.
- all the sanguinarian research I did this year: Erin Chapman, “The Sanguinarian Survey Results Are In,” Vamped, December 19, 2019, accessed December 22, 2019, https://vamped.org/2019/12/19/the-sanguinarian-survey-results-are-in/.
A Nosferatu Christmas
[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/nVd0FO2lZQM” responsive=”yes” autoplay=”no”]
Staying with the whole Nosferatu theme from the previous video, here we check out what would happen if you had Nosferatu for a roommate! A woman gets called into work for a last minute shift and leaves him in charge of prepping for her Christmas party. Life is full of surprises!
- “A Nosferatu Christmas,” YouTube video, 7:39, posted by Fat and Funny Chicago, December 19, 2017, accessed December 23, 2019, https://youtu.be/nVd0FO2lZQM.
Merry Christmas From Vamped 2019
[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/q2M1CYFsCs4″ responsive=”yes” autoplay=”no”]
I decided to track down vampire movie and tv clips and splice them together with some Mariah Carey. I wanted the video to represent vampires having a good time over the holiday season. Considering I finished it in one night I was pretty proud of myself.
I hope you enjoyed these Christmas treats and on behalf of Vamped, I would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
- a friend passed away in July: Erin Chapman, “Remembering Rosemary Ellen Guiley,” Vamped, July 25, 2019, accessed December 23, 2019, https://vamped.org/2019/07/25/remembering-rosemary-ellen-guiley/.
- after a difficult 2018: Erin Chapman, “The Death of Vampire Classifieds,” Vamped, October 20, 2018, accessed December 23, 2019, https://vamped.org/2018/10/20/the-death-of-vampire-classifieds/.
- Feature image, Creepy Christmas Vampire Ornaments, by Boutique du Vampyre.