August 2
- We started off the month with “The Nosferatu Review Challenge,” Anthony’s response to my review of vampire movie classic, Nosferatu (1922), which I watched with “virgin eyes”. This was strictly my interpretation of the film—and keep in mind, I’m not a film reviewer. Watching a film with no prior knowledge proved to be quite challenging, but good fun. He provided an in-depth analysis of the film including history, background info and some interesting quotes.
August 6
- For you folks that favour Android phones, which no offence I totally don’t, I reviewed some Android vampire apps. I’m an Apple girl, but for the sake of our readers I did the leg work for you all.
- If any of you want to up your “vampire” academic game, you might want to check out a vampire class offered by Bertena Varney. I’m sure you’re thinking right away how do I sign up? Too easy! Just check out the article, click on her link to sign up, get a copy of Lure of the Vampire: A Pop Culture Reference Book on Amazon and you’re set! Also I have to note, if you sign up now she is offering a special rate. Anthony and I signed up so what are you waiting for?
August 9
- Penny Dreadful may have been renewed for a new season, but here we explore the vampire connection and dive into the world of Varney the Vampire and penny dreadfuls from the Victorian era.
August 11
- Are you into vampire video games? Check out Leah MacDonald’s review of BloodRayne 2 (2004).
August 17
- If you missed our feature article, I definitely suggest checking this one out! I interviewed Vamped‘s own editor-in-chief and vampirologist, Anthony Hogg, who emerged from the shadows. This one is a must-read and yes folks, we have a picture of Anthony, too. The man of mystery now has a face. Read about his experience, book choices, the Highgate Vampire case and more!
August 20
- Ever since the Twilight franchise went viral, “sparkling” vampires have been quite controversial. Check out Dan Shaurette’s take on the topic.
August 24
- This month it was the end of an era with the conclusion of True Blood, a vampire series that set the bar high and pushed the envelope on gore and sex. We all know goodbyes suck and now fans are left wanting more and in search of a new TV addiction. I know I am!
August 25
- For this one we have comedy, Hitler’s take on The Brides of Dracula Blu-Ray release. Need I say more?
August 29
- In July, we dove head first into the vampire blood bag phenomena that was sweeping the web and China. Vamped revisits the topic and ties up some loose ends.
- Finally, Vamped gets some props from a lovely lady, Marita Crandle, owner of New Orlean’s Boutique du Vampyre, on her nightly vlog, VBITE, “Vampire Business and Topics of Entertainment.” If you’re interested in vampires and New Orleans, I suggest checking this one out.
All and all, it’s been a busy month and things are ramping up. Make sure to like us on Facebook and Twitter for some extra Vamped goodness. Remember, if you want to see something covered, feel you got what it takes to write for us, or have want to discuss marketing initiatives shoot us an email at erinchapman@vamped.org or anthonyhogg@vamped.org