August 2015
Wayne Miller, “Highgate, the Vampire Watergate,”, Aug. 27, 2015:
“Does a Wampyr Walk in Highgate?” asked the Ham & High 45 years ago. Evidence says no. Erin Chapman tracks the Highgate Vampire [“5 Reasons Why a Wampyr Didn’t Walk in Highgate,” Feb. 27, 2015] to some logical conclusions.
July 2015
D.A Lascelles, “Updates and News,” Lurking Musings, July 21, 2015:
First, Vampire month has proven to be a very popular feature on this blog. It makes for a very busy March for me but that effort is well worth it especially when one of your contributors gets their post referenced in an article as happened to Jonathon Ferguson [“6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy an ‘Antique’ Vampire Killing Kit,” Oct. 31, 2014].
June 2015
Lord A, “O encontro de Gordon Melton e Dax Stokes,” Rede Vamp, June 22, 2015:
Dax Stokes aos poucos vem se tornando bastante conhecido por seu trabalho como bibliotecário e resgatando a memória e dignidade Vamp; Compartilhamos agora este artigo dos nossos parceiros internacionais – traduzido brilhantemente pelo Marcos Sechi, da Luna Revisões
Vladkergan, “Nouvelle mouture pour le site,”, June 9, 2015:
Le web vampirique est un petit monde, les sites véritablement détaillés et actifs sur le sujet n’étant pas forcément légion. Depuis quelques mois, s’est peu à peu imposé pour les internautes anglophones, offrant articles de fond, interview, actualités autour du mythe du vampire.
May 2015
Trystan Swale, “Holes for the Coffin,” The Highgate Vampire (blog), May 27, 2015:
Erin Chapman is a relative newcomer to the craziness of the Highgate Vampire case but I’ve been extremely impressed by the dedication and time she’s put into her research. Over on Vamped she’s released the second installment of her look at why a vampire didn’t walk in Highgate [“5 More Reasons Why a Wampyr Didn’t Walk in Highgate,” May 27, 2015]. It doesn’t make great reading for those who still believe a fanged creature menaced North London.
Trystan Swale, “Manchester and Problematic Mausoleum,” The Highgate Vampire (blog), May 22, 2015:
Over at Vamped, Erin Chapman has produced a wonderful critique [“5 Reasons Why a Wampyr Didn’t Walk in Highgate,” Feb. 27, 2015] of the role Sean Manchester claims—in his book The Highgate Vampire—to have played in the Mass Vampire Hunt during the late hours of Friday 13 March 1970.
Feb. 2015
Shawn Martin, “Fair Use and Vampires,” PennWIC (blog), Feb. 25, 2015:
In honor of Fair Use week, this week, I wanted to respond to a blog that quoted one of my posts recently. In the article [“‘Vampire’ Hunter Hammers Stake Through Article,” Nov. 27, 2014], the author, Anthony Hogg, discusses some takedown notices he received and the ensuing legal battles.
Dec. 2014
annimi, “Sean Manchester, the Last Real Vampire Hunter, Is Apparently a Jerk,”, Dec. 5, 2014:
The guys at are practically religious in their research and fact checking; I find it hard to believe that they could get on anyone’s bad side, –but alas, they seemed to have stepped in proverbial poo when it comes to writing about the self-proclaimed vampire hunter, 70 year old Sean Manchester, who came down on them like a wrinkly old sack of… bricks, about their use of photos on the website [“‘Vampire’ Hunter Hammers Stake Through Article,” Nov. 27, 2014].
Oct. 2014
Emerian Rich, “Recent Interviews / Press,” Emz News, Oct. 28, 2014:
Dan Shaurette wrote an article called “Do Your Vampires Sparkle?” [Aug. 20, 2014] over at in which he talks about my vampire blog segment “The Great Vampire Dispute”.
Aug. 2014
Tim Kane, “Vamp Shout Out,” Tim Kane Books (blog), Aug. 9, 2014:
A quick shout out to Vamped for including me in their discussion about Nosferatu [“The Nosferatu Review Challenge,” Aug. 2, 2014] and how vampires react to sunlight.