Dec. 2
- “Gaga for Blood: Is AHS: Hotel’s Countess a Real Life Blood-Drinker?” Alexia Ashford discusses the possibility that Lady Gaga’s sanguinary tastes on American Horror Story: Hotel, were inspired by a genuine thirst for blood.
Dec. 4
- “ ‘Vampyre’ Blackmail: The Problem with Facebook’s Report Abuse Button.” In which the author shows how easy it is to take advantage of Facebook’s reporting process after a run-in with a self-identified “vampyre.”
Dec. 7
- “The Crowd Has Spoken: Juliet Landau’s Vampire Documentary Is Going to Happen.” Juliet Landau, best-known as Drusilla in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series, managed to get her proposed vampire documentary funded through Indiegogo. Erin Chapman covers Landau’s campaign.
Dec. 22
- “Vlad as a Vampire: John Davies’ Novel Adds New Dimensions to the Impaler.” Andy Boylan’s first review for Vamped as one of its official reviewers: John Davies’ The First Vampire (2014).
Dec. 23
- “I Attended a Vampire Studies Symposium on Halloween. Here’s What I Learned.” Erin Chapman discusses “There Are Such Things! Vampire Studies Symposium 2015,” held at North Central Texas College, Corinth, Tex., on Oct. 31, 2015.
Dec. 25
- “‘Tis the Season to Be Bloody: 5 Vampire Christmas Treats.” Erin Chapman gets into the holiday spirit by sharing several treats with our readers.
Dec. 27
- “ ‘Zoogan’ Could Be on Everyone’s Lips Thanks to This Irreverent Vampire Survival Guide.” Andy Boylan reviews “Count” Domenick Dicce’s You’re a Vampire—That Sucks! A Survival Guide (2015).
Dec. 28
- “Author Reads Excerpt from Recently Published Vampire Survival Guide.” In which the author shares a video of “Count” Domenick Dicce reading from his new book.
Dec. 30
- “Monthly Digest: November 2015.” Is Lady Gaga’s Countess a vampire?; Vamped gets an official reviewer; Erin goes back to London; the possible discovery of the earliest mention of vampires in English; a gift from Thomas J. Garza; October’s digest; and an exclusive with Juliet Landau!
Most Popular Post of the Month
- “6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy an ‘Antique’ Vampire Killing Kit” (Oct. 31, 2014). This thing is relentless. I never thought it’d be as popular as it has been, but there’s no denying what our stats tell us: it’s made top spot again.