October 2
- We kicked off the month with my Lauren Adkins interview. You’ll know her better as the woman so obsessed with Twilight, she married a Robert Pattinson cardboard cut-out. At least, that’s what many reporters wanted you to think…
October 3
- The “Most Popular Post of the Month” was introduced in the September edition of our “Monthly Digests.” Click that link for more goodies published that month.
October 4
- A blog post in which I discuss formatting changes, Vamped’s appearance on a theme showcase and make notes on photo captions.
October 10
- Perhaps Vamped’s most ambitious post yet: Erin Chapman’s “Vampire Facials.” When Erin first proposed the idea of covering the beauty procedure in August, I didn’t think it’d span into a two month project. The more we dug, the murkier it became. It also lead to a spin-off…
- Erin’s phone interview with Dr. Charles Runels, inventor of the Vampire Facelift. Read her transcript for insights into the procedure and Runels’ interesting career.
October 22
- I don’t usually endorse Kickstarter projects, but Chris Denmead had an interesting angle with his: a film genderswapping Dracula. Here’s what I had to say about it.
October 27
- Andy Boylan shared his exclusive review of the latest installment in Anne Rice’s “Vampire Chronicles,” Prince Lestat.
October 31
- I’ve written many articles about the “19th century” vampire killing kit trade. My “6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy an ‘Antique’ Vampire Killing Kit” is the most ambitious—and thorough—of all.
Most Popular Post of the Month
In an unusual turn of events, the Most Popular Post of the Month wasn’t even one written during October. The winner was…
- Erin Chapman, “Vamped’s First Video” (July 4, 2014)
Considering we haven’t circulated that blog post since it was first published, it’s quite surprising it ranked so highly! Nonetheless, congrats to three time winner, Erin.
For the record, our first video was “Top 6 True Blood Vampire Deaths,” uploaded June 22, 2014—the same day the TV show’s final season began:
[su_youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GVQTr6aoQ8″]
As of this writing, it’s had 7,677 views. Not bad. We’re also working on a second video (not True Blood related) which should be completed soon. In the meantime, stay tuned for another month of Vamped goodness.