A drink, something crafty, a vampire make-up tutorial, vampire apocalypse calculator—and Drac’s back!
Tag: Dracula
20 Vampire Valentine’s Day Cards for That Special Someone
Photo: TheGreenTurtleDesign -
Photo: LoveKates -
Photo: Fanpop -
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Photo: Hodderscape -
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Photo: MyFanGirlLife -
Photo: Zazzle -
Photo: TBoneSquid -
Photo: Inkeateroriginals -
Photo: ExGirlfriendsCards
Because Valentine’s Day cards pierce the heart better than any stake can!
Thoughts on Dracul, the “Official” Prequel to Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Review of Dacre Stoker and J. D. Barker’s “Dracul” (2018).
Call for Papers: International Dracula Conference
The International Dracula Conference is just around the corner. Will you dare to go?
Van Helsing Finally Identified? An Exclusive Report
Many historical candidates have been suggested as influences on the creation of Abraham Van Helsing. Here’s our case for the most plausible. A World Dracula Day exclusive.
Was the Preface to the Swedish Dracula Written by a Priest?
Was a priest responsible for writing the preface to the “sex and violence” version of “Dracula”? A World Dracula Day special.
“You Never Know Where Your Influences Come From”: How Blacula Helped Shape My Mind
“Watching it the first time actually hurt me at the beginning because I became so angry at Dracula, my hero. WHY WOULD HE TREAT THAT MAN THAT WAY?”
The First Author to Adapt Dracula? An Exclusive Report
Identified only as “A-e,” the identity of the first author to adapt “Dracula” may have been uncovered.
Why Does This Dracula Exhibition Need $20,000?
The Millennium Gate Museum is seeking funds for its Dracula exhibition in September.
World Dracula Day: Happy 120th Birthday, Count!
Bram Stoker’s novel was published 120 years ago today. To celebrate, we’ve decided to share a few treats with you in this special World Dracula Day post.