Anthony . . . set some conditions for writing [this review]. I wasn’t allowed to read any reviews, look it up on IMDB or blogs, or even peek at the comments section on YouTube posting. He wanted virgin eyes for this one!
Author: Erin Chapman
5 Recommended iPhone Vampire Apps
For your amusement and as a little experiment for my own curiosity, I hunted through Apple’s App Store for any entertaining vampire goodness. Type in “vampires” and you get 1,639 apps to choose from . . . where to start?
Government Cracks Down on Vampire Drinks
On July 14, the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) issued a statement regarding the new trend-setting drinks. The CFDA is responsible for drafting and formulating laws, regulations, rules and policies.
Can Crossbows Be Used to Hunt Vampires in Sweden?
It’s not everyday you read about a guy getting arrested for possessing a crossbow—as protection against vampires. My first thoughts . . . were: what’s up with this guy? Did Jack Crow retire and move to Sweden?
Fancy a Bite? China’s Vampire Café
Last week, a story went viral about a new vampire-themed café serving drinks in blood bags . . . in Benxi, Liaoning Province, China. Almost every major publication, vampire and horror-oriented website featured the story.
Vamped’s First Video
The results of our hard work, as of writing this article, . . . 308 views . . . with 5 new subscribers; 456 organic views from our Vamped’s Facebook page; 23 shares on Facebook; and 9 retweets and 11 favorites on Twitter
Vamped’s Top 10 Tumblr Posts
I have come across come crazy vampire shit [on Tumblr] that appeals to my twisted love of this genre; porn, explicit GIFs, classic movie clips, quotes, blogs, posters, books, clothing, and copious amounts of blood.
Building Monsters: Lego’s Vampire Line
Now you may ask why a giant ass Lego vampire caught my eye? . . . [I’m] always watching for cool promotions that attract attention [and] assembling a 10-foot tall vampire . . . in New Orleans . . . is genius!
Why Has True Blood Been So Successful?
So now the question is, what has contributed to the success of this iconic vampire series? I think at this point the producers are playing it smart, and cashing out their chips while they are on a winning streak.
I’m Sorry, Vampire Diaries—It’s Over
Dear Vampire Diaries, [I’m] not sure where to begin. I really wish we could have met in person today, but we both know how chaotic . . . our schedules are currently. We barely have time to get together once a week